A helping hand, with a caring soul!



Greener planet, Helping earthlings in need, Educating masses

“CSR at AIT Global India adhering to its slogan “A-IT That Cares”, focuses on the Corporate Social Responsibility that AIT Global India Pvt. Ltd. has towards the society with not only the care it holds towards society but also for the empathy that it carries for each sector within society. The Vision of AIT is thus, not related to any cause specifically but says that AIT is as human as it can be and has a caring soul that is always ready to help the ones in society when needed!
The CSR at AIT Global India has the broader vision of making nation a better place by contributing in each sector that seems some support in order to make the Nation a better place to live. We consider that the support should be reached to each and every earthling that could be any living being on the face of earth… making it more beautiful and resourceful!
The mission of CSR at AIT Global India is being looked up in three wide areas viz. “Greener Planet, Educating Masses and Supporting Earthlings”. It has now been some good time, that AIT has been lending support in different areas. There are few events that were executed within AIT office campus and there are many such events that have been planned and AIT has been focusing on to make the efforts towards a better future!
Some fixed CSR activities that CSR at AIT Global India had and would continue having includes “Blood Donation”, “Tree Plantation”, “Supporting Orphanages”, “Contributing Relief Funds in times of need”, etc.. The committee would however be active and keep doing something of the other that would play the role of dew drop in the ocean where the support is needed, but the continuous support is being promised and delivered to be the part of that envisioned brighter future!”