COVID-19 Prevention and Response

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COVID-19 Prevention and Response

COVID-19 Preparedness

AIT Global India is monitoring this evolving pandemic scenario round-the-clock and modulating its response to best serve its employees and clients.
Our goal is to maintain continuity of operations across our offices, while also ensuring safety and well-being of our employees.

We are working on various aspects and protocols around facility readiness, self-awareness and social distancing. Some of the measures implemented include –

  1. Activated and executed a Pandemic Business Continuity Contingency Plan by assessing the situation of Coronavirus Scenario.
  2. Initiated Alternative Method for Employees to be available from home (Flexible Work From Home Option).
  3. Used Infrared Laser Based Thermometers at the point of entry gates to ensure no potentially infected individual enters the premises.
  4. Removed Biometric Authentication Process and replaced it with Virtual Authentication via SSO Credentials.
  5. Deep Cleaning Procedure executed for the entire Office Premises On a Weekly Basis.
  6. Provided Masks to all Employees, Administrative Staff as well as House-Keeping Staff who had to come to office as per work guidelines or based on priorities set.
  7. Provisioned proper steps to Enter office by compulsorily sanitizing hands with Medically Approved Hand Sanitizers as well as Tulsi Drops (Basil drops – natural immunity booster). Also exercised sanitization guidelines directed by WHO.
  8. Regular updates and information to employees through emails, Intranet and communication channels

During this testing time, AIT Global has shown its commitment to help community in as many ways as possible right from providing essential supply of portable drinking water to the Corona-Warriors [Pune Police Department] to helping the needy by contributing for their food for survival, particularly to those with the most disadvantage. On 16th March 2020 the Govt. of India extended the nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus.

For more details – visit our CSR Page here:

These are unprecedented times, and we wish our clients, employees and everyone in their personal and professional universe the best of health and well being.