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How AIT Elevates Software Testing Challenges?

Elevates Software Testing Challenges
Software testing and quality assurance services help check whether the developing or developed product matches the expected outcome. Product testing can be either manual or automated. It is also an integral part of the SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle). In addition, modern technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Virtual Reality forces the developers and testers to reach[...]
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Advantages Of Automation Testing And When To Use It

Advantages Of Automation Testing And When To Use It
Test Automation Test automation executes an automation test case that compares the results with the expected results. The best way to avoid human errors in your testing is automation testing. It is required when the same test cases run simultaneously across multiple machines. Manual testing is tedious and time consuming. It would help if you[...]
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Why API Testing is Important in our Testing Domain?

API Testing
API stands for Application Programming Interface. It acts as a communicating interface between two software systems. It is a set of programming commands and tools that enables programmers to write code on multiple levels. The main aim of API testing is to decide whether the developed APIs meet the expectations about an application’s functionality, performance,[...]
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8 Tips to Motivate Employees

Motivating employees is very important for any organization as it delivers positive outcomes. Some think that money and benefits top the list of motivating factors, but the reality is different. Employees yield production and feel good about being encouraged and recognized. Employees are motivated when there is a work-life balance and when the boss is[...]
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7 Tips to Create The Best Hybrid Working Environment

Hybrid Working Environment
A well-executed hybrid workplace is a magnet that brings people together, helping them to work better than before. A hybrid work environment provides more flexibility to the employees to get the work done, considering their productivity. The employees can work remotely or from their office depending on the work necessity and requirement. They can also[...]
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The Most Important Leadership Principle – Slow Down

The most important leadership principle often forgotten by many leaders and least considered is Slow Down. As a leader, one must pause and see things from a different point of view. Look upon your reaction. Instead of overthinking what other leaders would do in a certain situation, solve an underlying root cause by creating your[...]
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AWS GLUE simplifying Data Processing

What is Data Processing and Integration? When multiple tasks like discovering, extracting, enriching, cleaning, normalizing, and combining data into databases are put together, one can term it as “Data Integration”. Where does this Data go? The integrated data is loaded and organized in databases, data warehouses, and data lakes after processing. Why we’re talking about[...]
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Why Choose Us as Application Development and Maintenance Services?

Making business identity and creating healthy customer relationships is essential for success. And at AIT Global, we know these realities well, and therefore, we offer application development services with support at every phase of the Application Development and Maintenance. Being one of the top app development and maintenance services provider companies, we provide end-to-end business[...]
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How to Develop Machine Learning Applications for Business

Today, most businesses rely on machine learning applications to realize new revenue streams, predict market trends, analyze customer behavior and price fluctuation, and make accurate business decisions. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence technology and helps make sense out of historical data and helps in decision making. It is a technique set to[...]
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