Automation testing exercise for a content management platform

Our esteemed client’s need:
- Customer has unique content management system that aids in publishing complex documents by processing information in granular and reusable components which are based on advanced content management platform.
- Customer require output in the form of a ready document so that, they can be further processed as per need on the required content.
What was the solution?
- AIT being prominent and strategic partner, rolled over sleeves to investigate this challenge and pursued a step wise approach to manage the work:
- Assigned in house dedicated resources who are dexterous in development and testing the document as per the requirement of our client.
How we did it?
- Rigorous testing of several flavors of data along with publishing of document was done with the help selenium web driver tool using java as programming language and additionally supported by TestNg framework. Basic and vital tasks such as monitoring, testing, and delivering documents were automated by open source tool. Moreover, the speed of test execution was also increased
- Shared our thoughts with stake holder and discussed the potential test cases to be automated.
- For pilot run we gathered data and thus configured our scipts to consume the set of data for various tests
- With the help of batch or task scheduler we scheduled automation tests to be executed on a pre-define frequency.
How was client profited?
- As AITIAN, all professional and energetic resources delivered output with dedication and consistency which led to the publishing of document efficient and accurate.
- Customer efforts were reduced, and the time invested on managing and verifying content was down by 50%.
- Client was grateful to AIT for the economical and budget friendly cost model that was proposed along with QA services. Yes, AITTIAN’s had deep dive learning curve in this experiment and we are happy to reach towards our client’s expectations. Moreover, end clients also appreciated our customer and thus we smiled widely with all our efforts and hard work being praised.